Abu Darda (RA) narrated that Rasool Allah (SAW) said, “Should I not tell you of such a thinga which are the best and purest deeds in the court of your Lord, high in ranks (darajat), better for you then spending gold and silver (in Allah’s path), and better than slaying the neck of the enemy during war? The Sahaba said, “Yes, Oh Rasool Allah! (SAW) .” He (SAW) said, “It is Zikr of Allah.” (Tirmizi)
الصلاة و السلام عليك يا رسول الله
Thursday 27th February 2025 - 28 Sha'bān 1446 AH



Marriage is the basis of family life in Islam. It is a solemn, simple contract between a man and a woman. Muslim marriages must be with the consent of both parties, as required by Islamic Law (Shariah). Marriage is performed in a simple ceremony in the presence of relatives, friends and neighbours.

Islam does not permit free mixing of men and women. Pre-marital and extra-marital relationships are strictly prohibited to keep society free from the social problems it causes. No discrimination is made on the basis of sex. Husband and wife are partners in the family and play their respective roles. Divorce, whilst permitted, is the lawful action most displeasing to Allah (subhanahu wa ta’ala).


Muslims are encouraged in the Quran to eat what is good and beneficial for them, and are forbidden to eat certain foods. A Muslim is not permitted to consume:

  • Swine flesh
  • The blood of animals
  • Carnivorous animals
  • Animals not slaughtered in the name of Allah (subhanahu wa ta’ala)
  • Intoxicants (alcohol, recreational drugs etc)

Islamic law requires animals to be humanely slaughtered by a sharp knife penetrating the inner part of the neck, to allow maximum drainage of blood. The name of Allah (subhanahu wa ta’ala) must be recited at the time of slaughter and meat slaughtered in this way is referred to as Halal.

Dress Code

Muslims should dress modestly and decently. No particular dress is recommended.
The requirements include:

  • For men, covering at least from the nave to the knees
  • For women, covering the whole body except face and hands; according to some scholars, women above the age of    puberty should cover the face when going out or meeting strangers.
  • Men and women must not dress in a manner that arouses sexual feelings, e.g. transparent, skin-tight or half-naked dress
  • Men are not allowed to wear pure silk or gold
  • Men must not wear women’s clothes, and vice-versa
  • Symbolic dress from other religion’s is not allowed

Simplicity and modesty are encouraged. Dress expressing arrogance is disliked. The style of dress depends on local customs and climate.